Denis Fédieu showed respect to his lands by refusing to use herbicides and by continuing
to plow with horses like he had done so when he was younger. His love for the land
drove him to choose an organic cultivation method towards the end of his career, which
was then supported by Damien. The issues raised by the impact of pesticides as a result
of synthetic chemistry and its effect on human health reinforced this choice of organic
cultivation in 2004. It was a natural evolution for Château Micalet and the Fédieu family,
whose inspiration was always rooted in the rural tradition.
The lunar
calendar is used to set the date of sulfur or Bordeaux mixture treatments (to fight
mildew), to let the land rest 7 days after the pulling out of a vineyard plot (to naturally
destroy harmful fungi), and to carry out the alcoholic fermentation with natural
yeasts; ancient technics that have shown their efficiency and respect of the land.